Hola! I’m Fiorella.

I was born and raised in Lima, Peru, and moved to the United States at age 15. Since then, I have lived in Florida and Washington D.C. before settling into my home in northern Virginia.

My journey hasn't always been easy, but it's shaped who I am today—a resilient, determined Latina who is passionate about helping others succeed.

Accepting my accent meant accepting myself

My accent, my superpower.

Let me be honest here: transitioning to life in the United States was challenging.

The language barrier, culture shock, and the struggle to fit in were constant hurdles. My accent, in particular, became a source of insecurity. The jokes and teasing among my classmates quickly chipped away at my confidence and self-esteem. I carried this with me even after landing my first job out of school. The idea of speaking up in work meetings or presenting in front of my colleagues caused severe anxiety and embarrassment to the point of losing sleep.

But one day, something shifted inside me. After experiencing microaggressions and unhealthy work environments, I realized I had to advocate for myself. Fueled by a deep sense of fairness and justice, I began to speak up and use my voice. I went from being quiet to feeling brave enough to express my opinions, challenge others’ perspectives, and eventually influence change in the workplace.

Over time, I came to accept and truly embrace my accent. It’s now my superpower—wonderful, imperfect, real. Mine.

Accepting my accent meant accepting myself.

Helping others is in my DNA

My career.

Helping others is in my DNA.
This innate desire led me to a career in human resources, where I’ve spent over a decade caring for people at work.

I have worked in all areas of talent management in the private and nonprofit sectors: recruitment, onboarding, learning and development, performance management, employee relations, compensation, and employee wellness.

In my current job, I develop and manage people and culture programs that create positive employee experiences. I also hold a master’s degree in Applied Industrial/Organizational Psychology, which merges my passions for business and psychology—one of my proudest moments!

The strong work ethic that my parents instilled in me

What makes me unique.

My journey has been shaped by my experience as an immigrant and the strong work ethic that my parents instilled in me.

My parents worked multiple jobs to provide a better life for our family, and their sacrifices and dedication inspire me daily. We faced countless obstacles but continued to persevere.

This immigrant hustle and resilience is what I bring to my career and my coaching business. 

I know the struggles you face because I’ve been there

Why I coach Latinas.

I know the struggles you face because I’ve been there.

I’ve felt the sting of discrimination, the weight of imposter syndrome, and the pressure of being the only Latina in the room. But I also know the power of perseverance, self-advocacy, and embracing your true self. 

I've been fortunate to have incredible mentors and coaches—three women of color who lifted me when needed. They understood the unique challenges of being in an underrepresented group. They saw me—and I see you.

As a fellow Latina, I can relate to your story. My goal is to boost your confidence and inspire you, just as I have been inspired by other women.

Street cred

  • Throughout my career, I have coached people from all walks of life, from early career individuals to organizational leaders. I love connecting with people and helping create awarenesses that move them forward in their careers.

  • I hold a Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management from Florida International University and a Master of Professional Studies in Applied Industrial & Organizational Psychology from George Mason University.

  • I completed my training at the World Coach Institute, a certification program accredited by the International Coaching Federation.